From early voting to new election result reporting rules, New Jersey's voting systems have undergone a transformation in the last two years. (Daniella Heminghaus for New Jersey Monitor)
As New Jersey gets ready for November’s general election — officials across the state began s
HALIFAX, N.S. — Elections Nova Scotia has issued a call for companies to submit proposals for an online voting system.
The request for proposals asks qualified firms to submit plans that include all related software services, informatio
In Brazil, the most interacted-with posts on social media contradict trustworthy information about Brazilians’ voting intentions.
This article was first published in Portuguese by Agência Pública.
Translated to English by Matty Rose from the Latin America Bureau.
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All voting intention polls show he stays in second place
WILLIAMSPORT – Voters in Lycoming County will not get the opportunity to decide in November whether to keep using an electronic system to tabulate votes.
The county commissioners acting as the board of elections Monday voted unanimously to rescind the action they took last Tuesday plac
BRASILIA, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva holds a solid polling lead going into Sunday's election against incumbent Jair Bolsonaro, with a chance of clinching the race in the first round, fresh surveys showed on Saturday.
Brazil's most pol
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GREENSBORO — State members of the NAACP are accusing xxx
A central feature of the NAACP’s mission to advance people of color has long been shoring up election access. But the national NAACP has suppressed its own members’ voting rights
Two of Donald Trump’s most prominent allies in his fight to overturn the 2020 election are leading a coordinated, multi-state effort to probe local election officials in battlegrounds such as Michigan, Florida, and Wisconsin ahead of the November election.
The America Project, an
The move has prompted concerns among some election experts.
Last month, an effort led by a rural county in Nevada handed election deniers a major victory: In November, several jurisdictions in the state will be hand-counting votes.
The Nevada Secretary of State approved a proposal
Embracing false narratives and relying on disinformation about the integrity of our country’s electoral system, partisan actors across the country have pushed to make hand counting the primary method of tabulating ballots this November.
Many of these claims have focused on the reliabil