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Photo from the Facebook page of F2 Logistics Philippines
MANILA, Philippines-The Electoral Commission (Comelec) has signed a contract with a company associated with President Rodrigo Duterte's close partner to distribute ballots for the May 9, 2022 elections , Ticket counters and other supp
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If you are dealing with cash in a business, the money counter can take your operational efficiency to a new level. From saving time to accurate counting and counterfeiting detection, today's cu
Call of Duty: Vanguard In the wild, fans expressed their opinions on the game's multiplayer game.
It seems to be progressing relatively smoothly-I have not encountered a completely useless map, and the action is fast, deadly, and completely chaotic when using the blitzkrieg combat rhythm. C
A Green Party MLA who hopes to transfer the design of the proportional representation voting system of Prince Edward Island into the hands of the islanders has his wish.
MLA Stephen Howard of Summerside-South Drive introduced a motion in the legislature to ask citizens to brainstorm on the
Republicans have killed the latest attempt to repair our democracy. But it doesn't have to be this way. In fact, if Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell really cares about American democracy (as he declared after the January 6 uprising), then he should look at the example of election compromise in hi
ROCKford-If the county committee approves the purchase on Tuesday night, Winnebago County residents may vote on the new voting machine next year.
"This is a major move for us, and it should have been done long ago," said Winnebago County Clerk Lori Gummow. "We are very happy to be abl
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin continued to push state lawmakers to take over control of Wisconsin's federal elections on Tuesday as Republican criticism of the bipartisan state electoral agency intensified.
Speaking on WPR's "Morning Show," Johnson stated that after a nonparti
The counting of votes in Lehigh County in the November 2 election is still unofficial, and a judge believes that legal challenges to mailed ballots may affect the outcome of the fierce competition between the two candidates for the county judge.
The problem is that the Lehigh County Elect